It was released today that Starbucks will be unveiling their new logo for their 40th anniversary. At first I was drawn back in thinking oh no here comes another Pepsi logo. But when I took my first glance I was pleasantly surprised. Instead of trying to make their logo 3D to be considered "modern" they took away the words and just went with a clean Siren.

I think it will be pretty clear that when you are walking around with one of these, that you are drinking a Starbucks Coffee. (Or tea, or Juice, or whatever it is they make there) This brings me to a point when I start to think of my own clients who are in the process of designing a logo and their branding strategy. Of course clients always want their logo to include every aspect of their business. Ex. A real estate group that deals with buyers, but would like sellers, deals with short sales, but would like to deal with luxury real estate comes up with a name like- Los Angeles - Westside Luxury Home Sellers, Buyers Experts and Short Sell Specialists LLC. Of course Starbucks has been building their brand since 1971 so it makes sense for them to go sans words, but including every thing you do in your name is just a bit much so take notes!
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